Hello! This Is My Journey…
I started my journey back in 2009, at a time when I was just a passionate teenager with a deep love for cooking that had been ingrained in me since childhood. However, it wasn’t an easy road for me, as my surroundings were not particularly supportive. I walked this path almost alone, facing the challenges head-on. When I decided to pursue my dreams and enroll in a cooking school, my parents were initially upset, hoping to see me in a different profession.
As I began my culinary studies, I had no prior cooking experience, particularly in my preferred genre of fusion cuisine. Understanding and maintaining the delicate balance required in fusion cooking proved to be extremely difficult. I had to figure it out all on my own, learning and experimenting as I went.
I created Mingled Platter, so you don’t have to travel the same path alone. My blog highlights my own journey into fusion cooking, including the obstacles and successes down the road.
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